Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Use of have to

use of (Have to)
Have to का प्रयोग मजबुरी के लिये किआ जाता है
Have to is used to talk about compulsion. 

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you have to+Act v1?
Does he have to+Act v1? 
I have to+Act v1.
He has to+Act v1.
I do not have to +Act v1.
He does not have to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Pay fine.
  • Read book.
  • Use mobile.
  • Speak English.
  • Help poor.

  • What do you most like about yourself?
  • What hurts your feelings?
  • If you could be famous, would you want to? Why?
  • Who is a celebrity you admire?
  • What made you laugh at school today?
  • Did anything make you upset today?
  • If you could have more friends, would you?
  • What do you like most about your friends?

  • What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
  • What is your favorite movie? Why?
  • How are the movies in your country? What are the best ones?
  • How often do you watch movies in English?
  • If there were a movie about your life, what kind of movie would it be? Why?

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