Thursday, March 5, 2020

Need to

  • What is your favorite game ever?
  • What games did you play as a kid?
  • What games are popular/came from your country?
  • How competitive are you when it comes to games?

  • What games do you still play now? Why?

  • Is there anyone at school you’d like to know better?
  • Have you ever lost a friend? Why?
  • Where do you want to be ten years from now?
  • If you had $100, what would you spend it on?
  • Is there something you’d want to do as a family?
  • If you were to choose one way to be disciplined, what would it be?

    use of (need to)
    need to का प्रयोग ....... के लिये किआ जाता है
    need to is used to talk about necessity . 

    List of action _ 
    1 _ Design a house
    2 _ Build a house
    3 _ Launch An app
    4 _ Top in exam
    5 _ Earn money

    I,  we, you, they or plural

     He, she, it or singular 

    Do you need to+Act v1?
    Does he nees to+Act v1? 
    I need to+Act v1.
    He needs to+Act v1.
    I do not need to +Act v1.
    He does not need to+Act v1.

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